Thursday, 14 May 2015

Don't Stop Walking!

"Walking is man's best medicine."-Hippocrates.

Our image and status should not prevent us from walking.  Using vehicles may be a necessary evil,  not a symbol of prestige and status. Instead vehicles create demand for more mining, deforestation, fossil fuel consumption, pollution, destruction,  degenerative diseases and laziness too!

Why walking is must?

1. Walking is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to stay physically fit forever.

2. Walking improves quality of life and thereby life expectancy too.

3. The more you sit the more likely you are to die prematurely.  Sitting might kill you prematurely by slowing down metabolic rate to burn excessive fats or to detoxificate poisonous chemicals in the body.

4. Automation is the chief sponsoror of sedentary life styles and physical inactivity among modern human beings. People who sit almost all of the time die sooner from cardiovascular disease than people who  sit almost none of the time. It has been reported that for every single hour of television watched after the age of 25 the viewer's life expectancy has been reported to be reduced by 21.8 minutes. So physical inactivity is the deadliest enemy  to human stamina both physical and mental.

5. Automated electrical or electronic gadgets at home,  on road or in office have made human physically inactive and mentally depressed.  Inactivity is the second leading preventable cause of death in the United States, second only to tobacco use.

7. According to use and disuse theory the limbs may become physically and physiologically weak and may create physical,  physiological and psychological complications in the whole body itself, if walking is prevented in the daily routine life.

8. Walk as much as possible and reduce the use of automated vehicles as less as possible unless the distance of traveling demands so. Our image and status should not prevent us from walking.  Using vehicles may be a necessary evil,  not a symbol of prestige,  status and laziness.

How does walking save humanity?

1. Walking  improves self-confidence, physical and mental stamina, muscular energy, cardio-respiratory fitness,  body weight control and life expectancy to considerable extent and reduces physical and mental stress. As walking pace with the natural climatic climatic and weather phenomena around us.

2. Walking improves cognitive functions, the mindset, concentration on studies,  analytical and reasoning skills,   memory power, learning speed as well as reduces depression.

3. Walking  improves bone health, especially the hip bone. It reduces bone loss due to osteoporosis.

4. Walking  lowers the more harmful low-density lipoprotein(LDL) cholesterol, and raising the more useful goodhigh-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.

5. Walking reduces anxiety, the risk of hypertension (high blood pressure), different kinds of  coronary heart diseases, heart strokes, diabetes -II, breast cancer, colon cancer and osteoporosis (weakening of bones). So the life expectancy is improved to a considerable extent.

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